Star Plus’ Saraswatichandra (Sanjay Leela Bhansali Productions) will see a new entry in the young and talented Varun Kapoor. The actor who was last seen as lead in Channel [V]’s Humse Hai Life gets into the popular Star show as the step-brother of Saraswatichandra (Gautam Rode).
The parallel lead character Danny (Varun Kapoor) is extremely positive and can do anything for his brother. He can even take the case of his mother Guman (Monica Bedi) for his loving elder brother. Varun starts shoot from today (8 June 2013) and his entry will be aired in the episode of 10 June 2013.
When contacted, Varun Kapoor confirmed that he will soon be entering Saraswatichandra, but asked us to call back later.
For the uninitiated, Varun was one of the initial contenders for the lead role in Sony TV’s Chhanchhan.
Here’s wishing the young lad all the very best…
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