The episode starts from where it was left yesterday, Madhu is trying to tell RK that she did not want to lose him, when RK asks whas she attained him by doing what she did? For a person like Madhu losing RK again is something she will not be able to handle, like she said if she loses him, that automatically means losing her as well……and RK who feels hurt, betrayed by Madhu’s actions can’t give into Madhu. He cannot get past the fact that Madhu tried to hurt him, somewhere decided that she had to become RK…..After the 4 Pheron wali Shaadi the first time Madhu turned rebel, there was a scene where RK said to Madhu that as long as she has a heart, she can never be RK. In a way it was him accpeting that he did not have a heart, that was what differentiated him from her…..and today he feels that Madhu too lost her heart that she decided on pulling out such a stunt……but he once again forgets that he forced her to take such a drastic step in the first Place……but realization and remorse was never RK’s cup of Tea so let’s just leave it there.

RK and Madhu’s love has always been a topic for discussion for the Media, for the Public not because RK is a superstar but because they both make sure it is Publicized…..Many of you may be shocked how both, but let’s not forget that Madhu too had her share when she addressed the Media after the Un-wedding, Yes it was Dipali who sent the Media in order to torture Madhubala, but instead of not giving comments Madhu addresses the Media if one were needed to look for a reason behind her action, the closest to come up with could be that she did not want the Owner of the Salon to suffer because of her with all the Media Drama aur waise bhi right after this incident she left the Job too right? But that is not the point, the point is both RK and Madhu have showcased their lives to the worlds and like Madhu said, RK can’t do without any Drama can he? Tonight when he addresses the Media he tells them of their story going in the reverse mode than the normal one does and the rest of course will follow tomorrow but what do we get from RK this time? Let’s just say this time viewer’s will in for a surprise for sure. So more on this tomorrow

If that was what was happening in RK-Madhu side of the story, in the parallel Track that is Sultan’s story we see him learning that his Dad-Rashid is still alive to only find out that he was never Rashid’s son….Now that’s interesting, so this could mean that the woman that Sultan considered his mom, the one who was dead was not his mother and there is a back story, a revelation is on its way. Must say the makers have are doing a good Job with the parallel track, the one question that was playing on everybody mind was how come Veteran actress Zarina Wahab is entering the show as Sultan’s Mother when he explained that his mom was no more? Looks like the makers are gearing up for a Brand new Parallel track and soon we’ll have a logical reasoning and a story for Sultan that connects him to the Main Plot other than just being a friend or a well wisher of Madhu. So more on this as the track progresses.

Over all the Makers have saved the fire works for the upcoming episodes and this is one that needs to be looked out for.
Author: Vijitha Rajan
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