Mumbai: Most popular daily soap Qubool Hai, is all set to shoot a high element drama in Ajmer. The show has all come to bring a very interesting turning point as Zoya aka Surbhi Jyoti will once again run away from her marriage.
As per the sources, Asad aka Karan Singh Grover will support and protect Tanu as usual he does. And this will make Zoya very upset. In the daily soap, the duo's marriage is going to happen but being upset with Asad's attitude Mr Farooqui will pack her bags and baggage to leave.
Amrapali Gupta confirmed the face-off in Ajmer, but did not clarify the reason for them being there.
She also rubbishes the rumors of Tanveer's character ending, "Tanveer is here to stay; she is too smart for Zoya and will finally achieve what she wants. Getting Asad in her life is an obsession for her," the actor said.
Let's see how the fans will bear the delay in Zoya and Asad's love story. But our Khabru reveals that Zoya will be back soon inMr Khan's life.
As per the sources, Asad aka Karan Singh Grover will support and protect Tanu as usual he does. And this will make Zoya very upset. In the daily soap, the duo's marriage is going to happen but being upset with Asad's attitude Mr Farooqui will pack her bags and baggage to leave.
Amrapali Gupta confirmed the face-off in Ajmer, but did not clarify the reason for them being there.
She also rubbishes the rumors of Tanveer's character ending, "Tanveer is here to stay; she is too smart for Zoya and will finally achieve what she wants. Getting Asad in her life is an obsession for her," the actor said.
Let's see how the fans will bear the delay in Zoya and Asad's love story. But our Khabru reveals that Zoya will be back soon inMr Khan's life.
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