Its time for a party for the fans of the Star Plus' daily show Saraswatichandra. The lead couple Saras (Gautam Rode) and Kumud (Jennifer Singh Grover) will be spending some time together. Kumud will be going for a school picnic and Saras will follow her. Meanwhile, Saras will hold Kumud's hand when all the kids are busy playing.
A little birdie from the sets says-"We have just shot the scene where in Saras will take Kumud beneath a tree and he will kiss her." He also added that the scene will be a highly romantic one with more than 5 kisses.
Another person from the set said-"Yes.We have shot an intimate scene. Saras will get naughty on seeing Kumud alone and he will try to get closer to her. On the other side, Kumud also takes the advantage of the situation and she enters into Saras' tent at late night. Kumud will be kissing Saras many times. Saras will think that he is enjoying a dream but when he will open his eyes, he will be stunned to know that Kumud is actually kissing him. The scene will be a treat for the fans."
Saras and Kumud have already spent one full night together and they have consummated their relationship. But, due to some unavailable reasons, the scene was not like a real consummation scene due to which the fans were upset.
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