The dance reality show "Dance India Dance Super Moms" may have given wings to several women and choreographer Marzi Pestonji, one of the judges on the show, says their life stories are shocking.
The 15-week series airs on Zee TV. Mithun Chakrabortyis seen in the role of Grand Master on the show.
"You will be stunned after hearing their stories... if you hear their stories, you will surely feel that you shouldn't be complaining about things in your life... Actually, you cannot afford to complain," Marzi told IANS.
"You will think that your problems are of zero importance in front of theirs. Their stories will shock you - girls getting married at 14, giving birth at 15 - it will make you think about the culture we live in," he added.
The choreographer started his career on the small screen through "Dance India Dance Doubles", where he judged the show along with choreographers Geeta Kapur and Rajeev Surti and later he judged "Dance India Dance Li'l Masters 2".
Now he is in the judges' panel for "Dance India Dance Super Moms" along with Farah Khanand Terence Lewis.
Marzi says that the participants are quite talented and their performances are going to wow the viewers.
"We have often heard women saying that their husband or mothers-in-law do not support them, but on this show women have their husbands and mothers-in-law coming out to support them and standing by their side while they perform," he said.
He added: "In fact, when we ask husbands how they will manage if their wives get selected, they say that they will take leave and stay at home."
How will the show benefit the participants?
"The show is giving them a platform to achieve their dreams. They will be able to make a name for themselves," he said.
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